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Digimizer software license agreement

Use of the Digimizer software is subject to the following software license. Use the software only after you have agreed to abide by the terms and conditions of the software license agreement. By installing and using the software, you indicate acceptance of the software license agreement.

Grant of license

The software is owned by MedCalc Software and is protected by Belgian and United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.

You may not share, sell, rent or lease the software. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works from the software. MedCalc Software reserves all rights not expressly granted to you in this license agreement.

Disclaimer of warranties - Limitation of liability

The software is designed and offered as a general-purpose software, not for any user's particular purpose. You accept that no software is error free. You are strongly advised to back-up your files regularly. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law MedCalc Software disclaims all warranties, conditions and other terms, either express or implied (whether by statute, common law, collaterally or otherwise) including but not limited to implied warranties of satisfactory quality and fitness for particular purpose with respect to the software and the written materials that accompany the software. MedCalc Software and its suppliers shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use the software. In any case MedCalc Software's entire liability under any provision of this Agreement shall be limited to the amount actually paid by you for the software.


This license will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with any term hereof. No notice shall be required from MedCalc Software to effect such termination. You may also terminate this agreement at any time by notifying MedCalc Software in writing of termination.


Any dispute relating to this agreement will be decided solely in the courts located in Bruges, Belgium.

This license agreement may change without notice. The most recent version, which replaces any previous version, is always available from:

Digimizer is a registered trademark of MedCalc software.